A lot of you know I love to garden, work in the yard and play in the dirt – it’s physical mental therapy for me and often a source of ideas/clarity. Living in a high-rise in the city makes my suburban friends very happy –… read more →
Recently, while culling my library, I was reintroduced, reminded of a concept I learned a few years ago – and while it struck a wonderful chord back then, it has reemerged with a powerful, undeniable impact. Create a Cadence of Accountability – it’s one of… read more →
‘EMPOWER YOUR CHANGE LEADERSHIP’ “Change is disturbing when it is done to us, exhilarating when it is done by us” – Rosabeth Moss Kanter. The truth is that we can never avoid change and uncertainty. What we can do is understand some life-altering constructs that… read more →