Remember the 4 directions leaders lead – up, down, across and within (self) – and that they lead to 2 pathways to focus your personal power – Managing Others and Managing Yourself. Well, managing within/self is a function of self-knowledge, and that journey starts with… read more →
Some things are worth revisiting. In the last few months, the topics of perfectionism and comparison have frequently been present in casual and client conversations, and mentioned in several of my recent readings. Both perfectionism and comparison play into the soundtrack of the gremlin in… read more →
We’re half way through 2018. I imagine you started the year with big goals and dreams – even intentions for some major transformation. So, where are you now? It’s time to assess. Ask yourself: Are you on pace/track, ahead or woefully behind? At the outset… read more →
Recently, while culling my library, I was reintroduced, reminded of a concept I learned a few years ago – and while it struck a wonderful chord back then, it has reemerged with a powerful, undeniable impact. Create a Cadence of Accountability – it’s one of… read more →
A consistent theme of my consulting, mentoring and speaking has been to assist my clients to distinguish themselves as a leader at work and in life – a resounding invitation to create a clear, powerful identity to focus their strengths, influence and impact. Well, I’m… read more →
Victoria Raymont’s Quick List of 13 Powerful Questions to Shape/Frame/Sharpen the Conversation Are we asking the right question(s)? Will the answer to that question get us where we want to go? What problem are we trying to solve? What impact do we want to have?… read more →
L. in L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P. Series The ‘Language of Leaders’ is the ability to shape, frame, and sharpen the conversation. This is a career-defining and self-distinguishing set of skills. It’s really about contributing powerfully and adding value to any conversation. In the process, you maximize your impact,… read more →
Leaders lead in 4 directions – those relationships matter and truly successful, effective leaders master them all Focus Your Personal Power – Managing Yourself and Others is a keynote address specifically dedicated to the quadrant of Coaching. The best athletes, CEOs and coaches have coaches… read more →